Donate Your Anniversary to Buy Someone Else Something They Need
Through Your Church or Favorite Nonprofit

   Al and Carolyn Baumgartner celebrated their 60th anniversary and collected all their gifts through their church to raise enough money to buy every child at nearby Compton Elementary School a new Scholastic book. They were going to have the party. They were going to receive gifts. Because they decided to share by giving a gift someone needed instead of just accumulating more stuff a whole school celebrated their anniversary as they celebrated every student in the school.

Donate Your Birthday through Your Favorite Nonprofit

Cathie Newell donated her birthday and raised enough money to pay a teacher in Haiti for five months through Haiti for the World.

Celebrate Your Graduation by Helping a School Stay Open

Cayla and Abbie Jones donated their graduations (Cayla from Berry College and Abbie from Hillgrove High School) and raised enough money to fund the salaries of two teachers in Haiti for an entire year through Haiti for the World.

Celebrate Someone You Appreciate
Why Wait Until Mother’s Day, Secretary’s Day,
or Teacher Appreciation Day?

Donate your gifts to your favorite nonprofit today gift today in honor or memory of someone who is more important to you than anything you can buy. For more information, contact your favorite mission group or go to: Haiti for the World: How to Donate With your donation, make sure you fill in the “In honor of” section.

Set Up Your Own Fundraiser on Facebook for Your Favorite Nonprofit

   Most nonprofits have a “fundraiser” link on the left side of the nonprofit’s Facebook page to help you create your own fundraiser and let people know about the causes you care about. Carrie Jones gave her birthday and raised $700 for teachers in Haiti through Facebook and David Jones was feeling thankful at Thanksgiving and facilitated others thanksgivings on Facebook for teacher’s in Haiti and raised $600. To see how you can celebrate your own causes with your Facebook friends, click here for examples: Facebook Fundraisers.

You don’t have to wait to Thanksgiving to be thankful. Give your gift, donate your presents, share your presence and show someone you care for them by caring for others.